Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Problem of patient safety was discussed with professor from New Zealand

Problem of patient safety was discussed with professor from New Zealand

27 September 2019

Clinical pharmacist, Evidence-Based Network representative in New Zealand, editorial director of the New Zealand Formulary, professor of pharmacy school of the University of Auckland David Woods had a two-week visit  to our medical university in the second half of September.

  The professor conducts active pedagogical and scientific activity at the Republic of Kazakhstan. He is a clinical adviser to the Kazakhstan National Formulary, a member of the SNOMEDCT International Clinical Development Working Group, a member of the Medical Expert Group of Advisers on Health and Safety Quality Assessment (MSEAG). He collaborates with the RCHD of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Association of Clinical Pharmacologists of Kazakhstan, participates in the organization and holding of international scientific and practical conferences on clinical pharmacology and pharmacy.

  This visit of David Woods is dedicated to the issues of rational pharmacotherapy of current diseases in outpatient practice, including aspects of general issues of clinical pharmacology. On September 17, 2019, on the occasion of the first ever World Patient Safety Day, announced by WHO, a seminar was held with the participation of 6th year students of  «General Practitioner», where they discussed about patient safety. It was announced that according to WHO data, 134 million medical errors and incidents leading to negative consequences are recorded annually in low- and middle-income countries (2.6 million cases result in death of patients). Therefore, now it is necessary to promote global awareness of patient safety and promote overall solidarity of action, both of the professional community and of the patients themselves.

  This is not the professor’s first visit to Karaganda Medical University. Earlier, he also held master classes on topical issues of evidence-based medicine and clinical pharmacology for residents, took part in the IV Central Asian scientific and practical conference on medical education “Internationalization of medical education”.

We hope to further continue and strengthen cooperation with Professor D. Woods in the areas of joint research and educational programs, exchange of professors and students, etc.

Yukhnevich E.A.

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine



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