Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
With a focus on occupational safety

With a focus on occupational safety

05 June 2019

On may 23-24, Nursultan city hosted the "labor Protection and industrial safety" 9th Kazakhstan international conference and exhibition with the participation of the Minister of labor and social protection of the population of Kazakhstan Saparbayev Berdibek Mashbekovich.This year's conference is dedicated to the centenary of the International labour organization.

Institute of public and occupational health of "Medical University of Karaganda" NCJSC was represented by the Director of IPHaPH Tusupova K.M.,the chief doctor of IPHaPHthe clinic of occupational diseases, Professor Amanbekova A.U., who made a report: "On occupational diseases in Kazakhstan», and Professor of the Department of public health Sembayev Z.K.

In total, 4 thematic sessions were organized at the forum: on the introduction of effective systems for the prevention and reduction of injuries and accidents in the workplace, the use of information and digital technologies in the field of labor protection and industrial safety of Kazakhstan on the basis of international and domestic experience and others.

Representatives of one of the companies held a master class on the topic: "the Role and place of safety management systems in ensuring economic efficiency of production."

In conclusion, there was held a "round table" on topical issues of labor protection and industrial safety at the enterprises of the mining and metallurgical industry, where the problems requiring specific measures were discussed.



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