Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in the Tajik Medical University of Abuali ibni Sino.

Academic mobility in the Tajik Medical University of Abuali ibni Sino.

20 May 2019

Professor of the Department of Pathology of the NAO “Medical University of Karaganda”, Doctor of Medical Sciences Tussupbekova Maida Maskhapovna gave lectures to students of the 3rd course on pathological anatomy on the topics: “General teaching on infectious diseases.Infectious diseases of the central nervous system. Respiratory viral infections. AIDS. Tuberculosis. Infectious process. Sepsis. Bacterial infections. Airborne infections. Quarantine infections. Pathology of pre-and perinatal period. Especially dangerous infections” within the framework of academic mobility, at the Tajik State Medical University of Abuali ibni Sino, held from April 22 to April 30, 2019.

The lectures were visually presented various pathological processes, high-quality material with a macroscopic picture and color micrographs that characterize structural changes in tissues, which allowed students to realistically evaluate and see the features of the pathological process. Practical classes were conducted on the following topics: “Children's infectious diseases”, “Sepsis. Tuberculosis” for students of medical and pediatric faculties using elements of active learning, which is a new form of education for them. A meeting was held with the staff of the Department of Pathological Anatomy of the TSMU of Abuali Ibni Sino, who is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Sharipov H.Yu. During the meeting, they shared a form of education at the university, where lectures and practical classes are held according to the accepted classical methodology. Professor Tussupbekova M.M. held a seminar on modern teaching methods and peculiarities of building integrated lectures, attended practical classes and shared her experience in innovative teaching technologies at NAO “Medical University of Karaganda”, which caused interest in further contacts to introduce modern active teaching methods for students, also told about the history the formation of the Karaganda Medical University and its traditions. 



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