Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Meeting as a part of the program "Рухани жаңғыру"

Meeting as a part of the program "Рухани жаңғыру"

19 March 2019

A round table "Great People of Our Land" as part of the program "Рухани жаңғыру " was held at the Russian Language Department.

 The participants were first-year students of the specialties "General medicine", "Technology of pharmaceutical production", studying at the Russian language department.

 As guests were invited a specialist in relations with public associations and youth organizations of the Youth Department of the Medical University of Karaganda I.I. Milaeva, deputy dean of the School of Public Health and Pharmacy A.M. Kamarova.

The purpose of the round table: the formation of a high level of citizenship and patriotism in unity with the education of personal qualities necessary for effective professional activity of a doctor through familiarization with the history of the professional path of the winner of the project “100 New Persons of Kazakhstan” R.S. Alimkhanova.

Irina Ivanovna Milaeva told about the tasks and features of the implementation of the program "Рухани жаңғыру " in a welcoming speech.

 The main part of the round table was devoted to the project “100 New Faces of Kazakhstan”. The seminar participants told about the features of this project and presented the special guest - the winner of the project “100 New Faces of Kazakhstan” in the nomination “Woman Inventor”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Medical University of Karaganda Alimkhanova Roza Seytkalievna.

 Rosa Seytkalievna told in detail about her way to the profession. She accompanied her presentation with photos of her teachers in the profession, patients, and inventions. Rosa Seytkalievna talked about how optopropedia developed in those years, how she went to her invention, what should be the most important thing in the work of a doctor.

In addition, Roza Seytkalievna told in detail about participation of the project “100 new faces of Kazakhstan”. She also showed photos from events related to the project and told to students the success stories of some of its participants, which became an example of active citizenship, professionalism, and non-indifference.

The detailed, lively story of Rosa Seytkalievna about the way to the profession, about how to become a real doctor with a capital letter caused genuine interest among first-year students. They asked the professor many questions about how to achieve success in the profession, how to overcome difficulties. They asked her to remember her student years.

“Learn English, work a lot and read, analyze and experiment,” - these words Rosa Seytkalievna instructed future colleagues who had just embarked on the difficult and noble path of the medical profession.



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