Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
French-Kazakhstan partnership

French-Kazakhstan partnership

18 March 2019

The Karaganda Medical University has hosted a conference with international participation on women’s health issues and development of a French-Kazakhstan partnership in the field of higher medical education.

The French colleagues, representing the University of Cote d'Azur, took part in initiation of the conference. The research carried out in the area of women’s health at the Karaganda Medical University and possibilities of partner projects became a main reason for the French representatives to initiate an idea and attend the conference.

The KMU researchers and Deputy Head of the Department for the Protection of Motherhood, Childhood and Organizational Work of the Karaganda Region delivered reports on the indicators of the obstetric and childhood services in the Karaganda region, the work of the regional genetic services, the incidence of cancer among the female population, and studies in the field of preplacental losses.

The French colleagues put forward a topic of women's health from a gender equality point of view. They gave some examples and statistics in this area from the southern regions of France. Emmanuel Tric, President of the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, spoke about the activities on the development of international cooperation. Marty Pierre, Vice Dean for the International Missions, Faculty of Medicine, has presented opportunities for student exchanges with universities of the southern France. He also talked about the importance of studying French for the KMU students for a more lively and productive exchange in education between our countries.

The conference resulted in signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Cote d'Azur University and the Karaganda Medical University by the rector Raushan Dosmagambetova and the president of the French University Emmanuel Tric.



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