Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit of the head of "Саналыұрпақ"

Visit of the head of "Саналыұрпақ"

19 February 2019

On February 15, the head of the "Саналы ұрпақ" Republican anti-corruption project office Kaiyrzhan Tokushev visited "Medical University of Karaganda".

The guest met with the administration of the Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company MUK, visited the University Student Service Center, a cafeteria opened under the Territory of Honesty project, familiarized itself with the work of the "Саналыұрпақ" student club of the MUK.

K.Tokushev noted that the education of patriotic and competitive youth living in free from corruption Kazakhstan is the main mission of the project. "Mastering human education, based on humanism, high morality, truthfulness, honesty and compassion, inherent in the profession of a doctor is the urgent need of today. The «Саналыұрпақ – Жарқынболашақ» project is aimed at solving a strategic task - creating an environment of general rejection of corruption through the education system” K.Tokushev concluded.

A meeting with vice-rectors of universities and directors of colleges of the Karaganda region was held at the end of the event.

  The Youth Affairs Department



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