Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Avicenna (Uzbekistan, Bukhara)

Academic mobility in Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Avicenna (Uzbekistan, Bukhara)

17 January 2019

The 4th year students of the specialty "General Medicine" within the framework of the academic mobility were studied in the Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino at the cycles "Basics of Internal Diseases" and "Basics of Pediatrics" from September to December 2018.

The development of medical education and science in Bukhara has an ancient history. The fact of birth and schooling medicine of Avicenna in the village of Afshana, near the city Bukhara, is the personification of medicine in Bukhara. The Bukhara state medical institute was founded in October 1990 by the order of Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1991Bukhara state medical institute was named after the famous scientist Abu Ali ibn Sino (Avicenna). For a short period of its existence, the medical institute of Bukhara has become one of the leading medical schools in Uzbekistan with the best educational, cultural and scientific traditions. Education at the university is conducted in Uzbek and Russian languages ​​at four faculties (medical, pediatric, dental, medical pedagogy and higher nursing care). The activities of the team and the rector of the university, doctor of medical sciences, Professor Inoyatov Amrillo Shodievich Inojatov aims to improve the quality of education and research using the international experience and international standards. Bukhara state medical institute cooperates with leading medical institutions of the near and far abroad (Kazakhstan, Austria, Netherlands, Korea, Japan, France, USA, England, Estonia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).

The departments have highly professional faculty members who have a great practical, scientific and pedagogical experience. The departments are systematically engaged in improving the educational process, improving the quality of teaching academic disciplines.

15th November, 2018 students of the Karaganda medical university met with the students of  BukhSMI. The rector of the institute A.Sh. Inoyatov presented his welcome speech and noted that Karaganda medical university is a strategic and loyal partner of the BukhSMI. He also made an accent that the agreement between two universities is a great honor for BukhSMI and this is a way to a new level of mutual cooperation. Further, the students told about of their university’s history, development, and education to the students of the BukhSMI. During the meeting, the dean of the Faculty of Stomatology of BukhSMI Radjabov Otabek Asrorovich and a 3rd year student of the Faculty of Stomatology Saydullayev Shahboz, who studied in our university from  October till November, 2018 with the program of academic mobility shared with their impression about Karaganda.

Students and teachers are proud of the social life in the medical institute. Students take an active part in the creative life of the university and devote special attention to research activities on medical topics. 15th December, 2018 the Bukhara state medical institute organized a joint excursion to students of the Karaganda medical university and the medical university of Astana. The students also visited the mausoleum of the great religious leader Bahouddin Naqshbandi.

Students of the 4th  course express special gratitude to the rector of Karaganda medical university Professor R. S. Dosmagambetova, the department of international cooperation and the administration of the Bukhara state medical institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino.



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