Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Personal branding or the relevance of the personal self

Personal branding or the relevance of the personal self

27 December 2018

At the present time “Personal branding or the relevance of the personal self” is one of the most popular topics, as well as the question “How to create your own bright and memorable personal brand?”.

The team on capacity-building of the “Kazakhstan Medical Students Association” KazMSA of Karaganda State Medical University answered this frequently asked question and conducted very useful and effective training on the mentioned topic.

So, how to make a personal brand unique?

Just think about the great people you admire. It can be leaders of your niche, artists, parents or acquaintances who are worthy of praise. Each of them has its own way. They took the lessons from other people, used those lessons in their lives, improved something and achieved success.

The most important sign of success, which the majority of people who have achieved their goals in life will tell you about, is uniqueness. Think about the things that make you unique?

Actually, every single person has his or her own hobby, experience and history that distinguish him or her from others. Create your own list of "uniqueness" that distinguishes you. It can be an ability to climb the highest mountains or a charming smile, whatever.

Then review your list and prioritize it. Some things may not be as unique as we think at first glance. In addition, remember that you are looking for something that sets you apart from hundreds of other people.

And at the end turn your highlights into the strengths of your brand. To do this, incorporate your features into your view of the future brand. It can be done in numerous ways. For example, you like sports cars. Start writing about them in your blog or shoot a video. And now think about where it is better to promote your name. These can be social networks, forums, blogs or videos.

Personal branding will help you to increase the influence of your company, increase your reputation in the market. But remember that personal branding is a long-term strategy. It assumes serious obligations. Probably it will take a long time until you see the desired results. Only after hard work you can see a significant increase in profits. But the benefits of a strong personal brand are worth all the effort.



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