Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
“What? Where? When?" Intellectual game

“What? Where? When?" Intellectual game

24 December 2018

By the Day of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the students of the “Nursing” specialty prepared and conducted an intellectual game called “What? Where? When?". The game was held in the framework of the State Language Month under the title «Медициналық білім туралы мемлекеттік тіл қабылдау», timed to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teams of experts were presented  the students of all courses of the "Nursing" specialty. 

Before the start of the game, there was  a presentation with the main events that have occurred since Kazakhstan gained Independence and a presentation on the Latin script.

The game itself consisted of four rounds: “Who are we talking about?”, “I twist, I spin, I want to win!”, “Black box”, the last round called “Last chance!” was conducted by using the “Kahoot!” application.

The game was interesting, informative and intense. The two teams played with equal results until the third round, after the end of the last fourth round, one of the teams took the lead.

At the end, the winning team and the participants were presented with letters of thanks and prizes.

IIIrd year students of the "Nursing" specialty 

Seitbayeva Makpal, Ongalova Rosa, Aituova Sagynysh



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