Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
27 years of Independence of Kazakhstan

27 years of Independence of Kazakhstan

20 December 2018

“Алтай мен Атыраудың, Сырдария 

мен Есілдің арасындағы еліміздің

жылнамасында алтын әріппен жазылған 

ардақты күн. Бұл күн өз тағдырымызға өзіміз 

қожалық етіп, өз болашағымызды өзіміз 

айқындауға қолымыз жеткен ұлы күн болды"

 Нұрсұлтан Назарбаев

The Independence Day is celebrated all over the world as one of the most important holidays, symbolizing the foundation of statehood. For Kazakhstan, the Independence Day makes history as the embodiment of the idea of state sovereignty. The significance of this day is that it intensifies and strengthens the sense of unity of the Kazakhstan nation. Every year in December, according to a good tradition, all the multinational people of Kazakhstan solemnly celebrate this major holiday. Our University pays a great attention to the Patriotic education of the current generation, the formation of high Patriotic consciousness, the sense of pride for their country.

So, on the 14th of December, the department of pediatric diseases №2 on the basis of children's hospital of Karaganda an event dedicated to the 27th anniversary of the Independence of Kazakhstan was held. It was prepared by the 3rd course "General medicine" specialty students of the 3040 and 3008 groups, under the leadership of V.V. Kurilova and R.E. Zhetpisbayeva.  

The hosts told the audience about importance of the historical date, students read poems about freedom of the steppes of Kazakhstan, spiritual generosity and hospitality of people, and also about the heroic glory of ancestors. Musical composition called "Balbyraun" of Kurmangazy Sagybay was performed on dombra by Talasbayeva Zarina.

Also students showed a stage dramatization of the trial on participants of the December events, including Kairat Ryskulbekov.

On the 16th of December of 1986 year a plenary Session of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan was held. On the agenda there was an organizational issue the election of the first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan. The first Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist party of Kazakhstan, instead of the retired D.A.Kunayev, G.V.Kolbin, who was the first Secretary of the Ulyanovsk regional Committee of the CPSU was elected.In the morning of the 17th of December, 1986 in Alma-Ata a demonstration of young people protesting against the decision (which lasted 2 days), has begun. It has gone down the history as December events.

Kairat Ryskulbekov was unfairly convicted and sentenced to death, which was then replaced by twenty years in prison. He was posthumously rehabilitated; he was posthumously awarded with the highest title in Kazakhstan "Halyk Kakharmany"("Hero of Kazakhstan"). For residents of our country Kairat Ryskulbekov will forever remain a symbol of national struggle.

His tragic fate has touched many people in Kazakhstan. Kairat Ryskulbekov is remembered, admired, he is set as an example to young generation.

Kairat Ryskulbekov is a great Man who gave his life for the national idea.

The younger generation should know their heroes, because at the cost of their lives the desired independence was achieved.

The solemn event was aimed at an understanding the events and phenomena of reality on the basis of historical dates, which contributed to the developing of a sense of responsibility for the homeland.

In the concert program, the students performed a Patriotic song "Kok tudyn zhelbiregeny" on the words of our famous compatriot, a talented poet Ahmetbekuly A.



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