Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International scientific-practical conference “Influenza, SARS and acute neuroinfections in a medical practice”

International scientific-practical conference “Influenza, SARS and acute neuroinfections in a medical practice”

02 November 2018

On the 19th of October 2018,within the precints of qmu  a regional social organization “Community of Infection Disease Specialists” and regional healthcare administration organized the international scientific-practical conference: “Influenza, SARS and acute neuroinfections in a medical practice”.  Such a large-scale event has been presented in a format of “show-tell-and-share your experience”.  The relevance of the conference lies in its conduction due to the rise of airborne infections.

The main tasks of conducted conference were to show the clinical epidemiological features of the present infections process diagnosed in children and adults, and to exchange practical experience between Infection Disease Specialists.

 The assistants of Chair of Epidemiological and Infectious diseases of KSMU, heads  of children infections chairs  in  MUA and S. D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU; representatives of neighboring countries,  doctors of Regional Infectious Hospital, practical doctors of polyclinics and ambulance stations of  Karaganda took part in the conference.

The program of the conference was extremely extensive and it was being held in following directions: acute respiratory-virus infections, neuro- and airborne infections, CNS tuberculosis.

The floor for the grand opening of the international scientific practical conference was given to vise – rector for clinical work and CPD, Doctor of Medical Science of KSMU, professor B.N.Kosherova, which emphasized the significance of studying infectious diseases and their importance in children pathology.

Academician of RANC, Doctor of Medical Science,professor R.H.Begaydarova articulated relevant themes: “SARS and influenza in children”, “Incidence of meningitis in children” based on her own observation and development,also she summarized the information of domestic and foreign literature. Having done thorough, critical analysis, she showed diagnostics’ nuances in making a diagnosis.

Having summarized personal researches and foreign informations, G.G.Kyttikyzhanova – professor and head of children infectious diseases chair in S.D.Asfendiyarov KazNMU, referred to the questions about therapy of immunization of frequently ailing children.

The report  “SARS and influenza in children” had been represented by professor D.A.Baesheva  the head of the Chair of children infections in MUA, and the chairman of RSO  association “Community of Infection  Disease Specialists”.

The head of Regional Infectious Hospital G.H.Bekzatova reported detailed information about the structure of infectious incidence in Karaganda Region.

Taking into consideration the growth of incidence of enteroviral  infections and measles in children, two interesting and opportune reports had been represented by professors Yu.G.Starikovyi and H.G.Devdariani.

Professor A.A.Kim spoke on: “Difficulties of diagnosis of infectious diseases, ongoing with the disturbance of nervous system”.

 17 interesting reports had been heard.

It is necessary to emphasize that owing to the high level of professionalism, personal interest of every participant, the conference had been held at very high scientific methodological level. During all the time there was the working atmosphere in the auditorium. The reports which were represented to the audience members, were accompanied by multimedia and were of a applicable nature.

In conclusion, representatives of practical Healthcare thanked moderators for a well-organized  conference, extensive and interesting reports, expressed the hope for following collaboration of science and practice.

R.U.Kazaryan, G.A.Kuznecov

Interns pediatricians, group 6-038,6-039



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