Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Breast Cancer Decadnik

Breast Cancer Decadnik

25 October 2018

In accordance with the approved media plan for the informed follow-up of the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan to combat cancer, 2018-2020, from 6 to 27 October 2018, the month is held on women's health, as part of World Breast Cancer Awareness Day.

Оpen door days are held in Karaganda regional oncologic dispensary with the participation of the department of oncology and radiology staff every Saturday of October 2018. Those interested can get a consultation with a mammologist for free, and, if indicated, undergo an ultrasound of the mammary glands and mammography.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women all over the world. It accounts for 16% of all cancer cases in women.

It is recommended visits to the mammologist – a specialist in the field of diseases of the mammary glands – at least once every 2 years. All women older than 20 years previously should perform monthly self-examination of the breast.

In Kazakhstan, women from 40 to 70 years old should undergo a mammogram (even in the absence of complaints) as part of screening 1 time in 2 years. Screening can be done at the clinic in the community.

During 9 months of 2018, 179 cases of breast cancer were detected in the framework of the screening, 93% of them at stages 1-2, which indicates the effectiveness of the screening program.

The doctor’s identification of at least one of the indicated “alarm signals” requires urgent (at a young age from the 1st to the 4th stage only a few months can pass) the patient's referral to an oncologist-mammologist, general practitioner or mammologist to the oncologic dispensary, where ultrasounds should be carried out and needle biopsy. Do not rely on the fact that the tumor may be benign. A quick examination at a medical facility will help save lives.

Prevention of breast cancer is to eliminate the factors contributing to its development, as well as to the optimal clinical examination of women with hyperplastic processes and their timely and adequate treatment, including surgical methods. Diagnosis of this disease should be comprehensive. Research methods are: breast ultrasound, needle and punch biopsy during ultrasound, MRI, mammography.

As part of the preparation for the Open Door Day, activities to increase awareness of the population, early diagnosis, screening and prevention of breast cancer were intensified. At the level of polyclinics of the city, preparatory work was carried out to involve the population in holding the Open Days. In the oncologic dispensary, leaflets were distributed to the population (1000 pieces), booths, the clinic and the department were thematically decorated.

10/18/2018 a press conference was held with the participation of Karaganda media, which was attended by:

1. Kabildina Naylya Amirbekovna - Head of the Department of Oncology, KSMU

2. Kulishov Vladimir Alekseevich - Acting Head of the Department of General Oncology

3. Duribaeva Aizhan Kalelkyzy - head of the department

Students of the  department of oncology and radiology were attracted

Students of  the department of oncology and radiology were involved, for whom this event was a great experience in obtaining new knowledge and skills.

Authors: Kabildina N.A.,

Maratkyzy M.,

Fomenko Yu.M.



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