Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Visit of the adviser on cultural cooperation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mrs. LorCasten and the Director of educational programs of the University of the Cote d'azur (France) Mr. Erwan Petel to KSMU

Visit of the adviser on cultural cooperation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mrs. LorCasten and the Director of educational programs of the University of the Cote d'azur (France) Mr. Erwan Petel to KSMU

25 October 2018

On October 22, 2018, the Advisor on cultural cooperation of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Ms. LorCasten and the Director of educational programs of the University of the Cote D'azur Mr. Erwan Petel paid an official visit to Karaganda State Medical University.

Karaganda State Medical University already has sufficient experience of cooperation with universities in France. It began in 2014, when a Memorandum of cooperation was signed with the University of Poitiers. The main areas of cooperation are: exchange of students, teachers and administrative staff, cooperation in the field of education and research.

At the moment, the University of Poitiers is one of the strategic partners of KSMU. This University, like us, participated in the Erasmus Mundus project "case". Within the framework of this project KSMU twice visited professors from the University of Poitiers: Paul Seit (Professor of biochemistry and molecular biology) and Bridget Vannie (Professor of bioinformatics).

Also, in 2017, Professor of biochemistry and molecular biology Paul Seit was invited to work as a top Manager for the management and training of employees of the departments of biological profile of KSMU; Professor of bioinformatics Bridget Vannie-as a Professor at the Department of biology.

In October 2017, professors organized a scientific internship in the direction of "Molecular biology" for teachers of KSMU. In addition, an inter-institutional agreement was signed between KSMU and the University of Poitiers within the framework of the ERASMUS+ international credit mobility project for the period from 2017 to 2019. Active cooperation between KSMU and the University of Poitiers is carried out in the field of organization of internships for our undergraduates.

Okasov Didar is a PhD student at the University of Poitiers (France), majoring in "technology of pharmaceutical production" - in 2018, one of the important events for KSMU was the awarding of the scholarship program of the French government "Abay Verny". At the same time, from September 29 to March 29, 2018 is a doctoral student and trained in Poitiers, as well as a student of the master's specialty "Biology" Erubaeva Aidana studied at the University of Poitiers in the framework of international credit mobility Erasmus+.

Ambassador extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Of the French Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Mr. Lor Casten noted that the Embassy of the French Republic is open for cooperation and promotes cooperation with universities in France. The main directions of cooperation between KSMU and the University of côte d'azur (France) were discussed and defined by Mr. Erwan Petel. During the meeting, Ms. Lor Casten and Erwan Petel visited the center of practical skills of KSMU.

KSMU thanked the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the French Republic to the Republic of Kazakhstan Ms Lor Casten and the Director of educational programs of the University of Cote d'azur (France) of France Mr. Erwan Petel, as well as the Embassy of France for the comprehensive assistance to students and staff.



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