Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The development of trilingualism in KSMU - Scientific-practical conference for the day of mental health in three languages

The development of trilingualism in KSMU - Scientific-practical conference for the day of mental health in three languages

12 October 2018

 On October 10, 2018 scientific-practical student conference was held at KSMU dedicated to the world day of mental health. In 2018, the holiday is celebrated under the motto "Young people and mental health in a changing world". The organizers of the conference are employees of the Department of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills of KSMU. 

  This conference was held under the auspices of the KSMU project on the development of multilingual education, led by the head of the Department of the Kazakh language, Ph.D. assistant Professor M. A. Maretbaeva.

  Conducting the conference in three languages was the idea of a member of the working group of the project, a teacher of the Department of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills Ospanova Madina Bulatovna, who organized the creation of students reports on the theme of mental health Day in Kazakh and English. The high evaluation of the audience received the report of students 5 course foreign Department Diksha Rathore and Taranum Khan "Mental health services in India". Students of the 5th course of the specialty "General medicine" Abilmazhinova Ademi and Baken Akku read the reports on the topics of dependence on energy drinks and Internet addiction.

  The students of the University of E.A Buketova, studying experimental psychology at the military Department of KSMU conducted interesting laboratory psychological experiments with the audience in the Kazakh and Russian languages. There was no misunderstanding in the hall. All participants spoke in a common language of empathy and respect, exchanged views, saw off the speaker with applause.

  Students-speakers and organizers were awarded a letter of appreciation of the Department.



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