Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Congratulations, dear teachers!

Congratulations, dear teachers!

02 October 2018

  On September 30, Department of youth affairs together with participants of the creative teams of KSMU conducted a gala concert dedicated to honored teachers of the University. Participants of dombra orchestra opened the ceremony performances of  kui "Балбырауын". An excellent level of performance and soulful melody kui created in the audience a kind  atmosphere with a wonderful touch.

  Deputy in Charge of Clinical Work and Continuous Professional Development B.N.Kosherova addressed the audience with words of congratulations and held a ceremony awarding the honored workers of KSMU diplomas of state institutions of Karaganda region and letters of Appreciations on behalf of the Rector of KSMU.

  The mass singing of  KSMU anthem has made a great impression on the audience. The participants of poetic club "Жыр Жауһар" congratulated all present verses of his own composition. The participants of vocal singing club continued the festive concert by the song «Ұстазым». The audience warmly greeted the teacher of KSMU Aizada Akhanova with the song «Қайдасын сен?». Fiery "Tajik dance" performed by girls from the folk group of belly dance «Қаракөз»  leave no one untouched. Graceful "Waltz" performed by Theatre of Dance "Golden Step" and  " Я люблю тебя до слез" song performed by Zhanibek Bitenov to evoke a vivid response in spectators’ souls. Show-ballet "Etude" pleased the audience by the Russian folk dance "Варенька". Famous hit of Rosa Baglanova "Ах, Самара-городок" sounded in a new way when  performed by Dana Eralieva and Togzhan Dauletova. The performance of singers our university with the song «Бәріміз бірге» sounded powerful final chord.

  After completion of concert the audience expressed its appreciation with a long applause.

Youth Work Department



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