Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The Director in research Dr. Xin Shi (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) started to work at KSMU.

The Director in research Dr. Xin Shi (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK) started to work at KSMU.

02 October 2018

Dr Xin Shi is currently aReader in Applied Statistics and Faculty Lead for China at Metropolitan University (MMU) Business School. During 2007 to 2009, he was working as a postdoc in the direction of evidence-based medicine in the medical school of University of Sheffield, UK. Meanwhile, he worked as a research assistant in social statistics in the University of Manchester. His active research focuses on the health big data for policy decision-making. The research covers the personalised health management including prognostic health management, monitoring, preventing and intervention. He is working closely with colleagues at the other local universities (the University of Manchester and The University of Salford) and the industries. He is an international recognised expert on health big data, in particular, for UK, China and Brazil.

He was awarded as Chartered Statistician (CStat) by the Royal Statistical Society in the UK on 2015. He is a fellow membership of the Royal Statistical Society in the UK and permanent fellow of International Chinese Statistical Association (ICSA). Currently Xin is appointed as Officer of Royal Statistical Society Manchester Committee. He is also the adjunct professor and director of Centre for Business Big Data and Applied Statistics at Shanghai University in China. He is serving International Journal of Data Analysis, Technique and Strategies as the Editor and the associate editor of IMA Journal of Management Mathematics.

Locally, Xin was elected as a candidate at the next Local Elections in the City of Manchester for Conservative Party on 2018.



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