Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Multilingual intellectual game dedicated to the Day of Languages

Multilingual intellectual game dedicated to the Day of Languages

27 September 2018

On 21st September 2018, the teaching staff of the Foreign Languages ​​Department conducted the multilingual intellectual game dedicated to the Day of Languages. Teachers of the university, the first-year students of the specialty «General Medicine» and «Technology of pharmaceutical production», as well as pupils of the school of nursing education took part in the game, consisting of 6 rounds.

The first round of the multilingual game was connected with greeting in different languages ​​of the world. The participants of the game were asked to guess the traditional word «hello» in 12 languages in total.

In the second round - a quiz - the teams were asked 10 questions in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Within the framework of the third round, participants were required not only to demonstrate their knowledge in the field of customs and traditions of different nations, but also to show their genius for acting. So, the teams demonstrated such national holidays as «Uylenu Toi», «Maslenitsa», «Halloween».

The fourth round was connected with the Esperanto language, the most common artificial language in the world. 15 words in the Esperanto languageaccompanied by a possible version of the translation were introduced for participants’ consideration.

The fifth round was concentrated on Russian proverbs and sayings, which the teams had to match with corresponding pictures.

The final round was captains’ competition in oratory in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Each round of themultilingual intellectual game was accompanied by national dances, songs and kyus.

Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department of KSMU D.V. Sizov, the teacher of the Foreign Languages Department of ​​ KSTU S.Kh. Alken, as well as the head of the Foreign Languages Department of KSMU V.А. Burmistrovawere invited as jury.

Winners of the game were awarded with memorable prizes.

At the end of the festive event, the head of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​V.A. Burmistrova expressed gratitude to the guests and participants of the multilingual intellectual game, as well as congratulated everyone on the holiday.




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