Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility at the University of Santiago-de-Compostele in framework of the KazMSA

Academic mobility at the University of Santiago-de-Compostele in framework of the KazMSA

10 September 2018

I am 3rdyear student in the specialty "Stomatology". This summer, I had the opportunity to go on a program of sharing SCORA in Spain. From July 22 to August 16, 2018 I studied at the University of Santiago de Compostela.

The main topics of my exchange were: Reproductive health care, HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases; maternal health; hepatitis and gender inequality.

I began my exchange with the IPET (International Peer Education Training).  International trainers from Germany and Turkey came to teach us. Within 4 days, we had different sessions on the above topics. After listening to the sessions, each participant had to act as a coach. I successfully conducted a debate on the topic "Prohibitions of abortion" and received the certificate of the international trainer IPET.

The next week we visited the Gynecology Department at the hospital of Santiago de Compostela. There, we were told about the types of safe abortions, the consequences of abortion and the psychological reactions of patients after abortion. Also, the doctor-mammologist of this hospital gave us a lecture on "Breast Cancer" and "Breastfeeding".

The third week of the exchange was devoted to HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. The IFMSA Spain Local Committee has prepared various presentations on this topic. One of them was on the topic of pre-exposure HIV prevention, where they talked about the benefits, as well as the terrible consequences of such drugs.

Every weekend we traveled to different cities and neighboring countries. I was fortunate enough to visit the edge of the earth and see Christopher Columbus' hometown. We all lived together in the university residence and had fun after classes, walking around the old city.

At the end of the exchange, I acquired a huge amount of knowledge, overcame the fear of public speaking and received an international certificate of IFMSA.

I want to thank the Rector of the KSMU, Professor R.S. Dosmagambetova and the International Cooperation Department, in particular Saparova Moldir for the opportunity to visit the University Santiago de Compostela.

А. Zorina,

3rd year student of the «Dentistry» specialty.



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