Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The day of knowledge at school of medicine

The day of knowledge at school of medicine

10 September 2018

In the Assembly hall of KSMU was held an introductory meeting for 1st year students of specialties "General medicine", "Dentistry" dedicated to the day of knowledge.

This year in KSMU in specialty "General medicine" reported 454 students, of whom 62 are holders of "Altyn Belgi".

The Dean of the school of medicine, Ph. D., associate Professor – Zhanasova maral Maratovna made a welcoming speech. She congratulated the 1st year students on the beginning of the new academic year, wished them success, luck, patience and hard work.

With parting words to students were: acting Dean of the school of stomatologii, PhD Kalina Ainur Serikovna, Deputy Dean of the school of medicine of social work M. K. Elubaeva, library representatives, and the employee of Department on work with youth.

First-year students will receive full sets of training materials during the first and second week of training.

During the meeting for all freshmen it was announced to hold a quest game for freshmen "Zhol Ashar". "Zhol Ashar" - an event for first-year students of KSMU, held to familiarize students with the structure of the University. Quest game is part of the plan of measures of Karaganda state medical University on the program "Рухани жанғыру" in the 2018-2019 school year.

After the meeting, first-year students went to the English language test to determine the level of knowledge of the English language to create multilingual groups.

 In the future, the school will work with students in the scientific, creative and educational direction.

M. K. Yelubayeva - Deputy Dean of the school of medicine for social work,

L. K. Abeuova - specialist of school of medicine



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