Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Charitable action in a boarding school for visually impaired children

Charitable action in a boarding school for visually impaired children

30 May 2018

On May 23, 2018 staff of the Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology, and residents of the 1-3 courses conducted charitable assistance to disabled children  of the boarding school no 1 for children with visual impairment in Karaganda. 8 children with congenital hereditary and intrauterine eye pathologies were consulted. One child, according to the indications, underwent surgical treatment under the conditions of the Eye Microsurgery Clinic in Karaganda. Recommendations were given on the further management of patients.

The school was founded on September 10, 1971. The primary goal of the school is to teach, educate and correct primary and secondary deviations in the development of pupils with visual impairments, develop safe analyzers, and compensatory skills that promote social adaptation in society. And also pre-professional training of children with a complex developmental defect (with visual and mental disorder).

The content of education in the boarding school is carried out according to special curriculum, programs and textbooks created on the basis of state compulsory education standards, taking into account the psychophysical development of children and individual abilities of pupils.

At the center of the entire correctional-educational process is a child, he is the main figure. And a child is not an object of the adult's influence, but an equal participant in the joint activity of cooperation and co-creation. The relationship between teachers and children is built on a trust basis. Conditions have been created for every pupil to feel welcome, to be loved, to participate in all events and events on an equal basis with others, so that he understands that it is possible to make the world joyful, beautiful, happy with his own hands.

In the school there is a room for pleopto-orthoptic treatment, where treatment is carried out to improve visual acuity and develop binocular vision.

 Conditions for economic, social and spiritual renewal are created, the way to the future is paved so that pupils after finishing school could  realize their potential in life and be socially competent.

Under  the leadership of the school it was agreed that the staff of the department will annually provide charitable consultations to children with the goal of preventing complicated congenital eye diseases.

The department of Ophthalmology



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