Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

Academic mobility in the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

30 May 2018

In order to implement the program of external academic mobility on May 10 -22, 2018 there was held a course "Features of the child's body" for 3rd year students at the Kazakh National Medical University named after S. D. Asfendiyarov.

Within the framework of academic mobility, students were trained in the amount of 90 hours: lecture material in the amount of 6 hours, practical classes in the amount of 24 hours, SWST- 30 hours, SWS - 30 hours. Employees of the Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases of the KazNMU named afterS. D. Asfendiyarov created all conditions for work.

In the course of work lectures were given, practical classes were conducted in Russian and Englishlanguages.The course covered the issues of growth patterns and development of children, anatomical and physiological features of the child's organism, methods of examination and semiotics of damage to organs and systems. A series of planned lectures were carried out. Problematic lectures on the anatomical and physiological features of the digestive system in children and the interpretation of the hemogram of developing organism, as well as a lecture on the importance of communication skills in the professional work of future doctors, the birth of mediation in resolving conflicts in medical field aroused a particular interest of students. The employees of the department organized a warm welcome and a high level of organization visit. I would like to express my special gratitude personally to the head of the department S.Kh. Izmailova, Professor Sh.K. Batyrkhanov, associate professor G.M. Adullayeva.

The visit to KazNMU with the framework of external academic mobility was fruitful, promoted constructive cooperation with colleagues. The development of the academic mobility of the teaching staff enables the exchange of experience, creates conditions for improving pedagogical skills and is a stable basis for the successful implementation of conceived projects in teaching students the basics of Propaedeutic of Childhood Diseases.

S.M. Kabiyeva

 Head of the Department of Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases 



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