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Academic mobility in the Jalal-Abad State University of the Kyrgyz Republic

Academic mobility in the Jalal-Abad State University of the Kyrgyz Republic

28 May 2018

An important direction of the university is academic mobility. It contributes to the establishment of internal and external integration relations, improvement of the quality of education, improve the efficiency of research work of students and faculty members, increase their professional, cultural and educational levels.

From April 23 to  May 5, 2018, Raisa Musulmanbekovna Abdullabekova, a professor of the Department of Pharmaceutical Disciplines and Chemistry of the Karaganda State Medical University, visited the Jalal-Abad State Medical University in the framework of academic mobility.

The Department of Pharmacy at the Medical Faculty was organized in 2013 on the basis of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines. The best associate professors  and teachers work here, among them candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Sh.S. Begaliev, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate professor Zh.M. Orozbaeva, teachers who have extensive experience in the production of medicines in the provision and quality control of medicines in the organization and management of the pharmacy N. Kh  Razykova., A.S Zhorobayev, T. Zh. Zhusubaliev, who brought up and bring up qualified specialists.

Since the opening of the Department of Pharmacy, the head of the department was Candidate of pharmaceutical sciences Sh.S. Begaliev. Currently, acting  head of the department is Candidate of biological Sciences, Associate professor Zh.M. Orozbaeva. The department has great achievements in educational, methodical, scientific, educational and public work.

Teaching methods at the Department of Pharmacy are aimed primarily at improving the students' own activity.The methods of teaching allow us to pass from passive mastering of knowledge to their active application in real situations of professional activity, which, of course, improves the quality of training of future specialists.

For the purpose of improving the teaching of practical classes at the department for students of the specialty "Pharmacy" of the Medical Faculty while studying the sections of the subject "Organization and Economics of Pharmacy", the classes are conducted using one of the innovative methods of teaching that is held in small groups, which is of great importance in the training of highly qualified specialists for the sphere of circulation of medicines.

This method allows intensifying the process of understanding, assimilation and creative application of knowledge among students. The effectiveness of this method is provided through the more active involvement of students in the process of not only receiving but also directly using knowledge, forming the ability to see the problem situation in their own way, to justify their position, to listen to a different point of view and show goodwill towards their opponents.

All this gives an emotional impetus to the student's subsequent search activity, encourages them to take concrete actions and establishes a more trusting relationship with the teacher.

It should be noted that the department is beautifully decorated with various visual materials, so the student, getting on the department, immerses in the world of pharmacy.

Raissa Mussulmanbekovna Abdullabekova gave review lectures on the technology of traditional dosage forms, biopharmacy, new generations of medicinal forms, on development perspective on of technology of medicines.

Lectures of R.M. Abdullabekova are distinguished by their novelty and topicality, availability of material, providing feedback, logical sequence of the text of the lecture.

Presentations of the lectures are illustrated with drawings, schemes, diagrams; also video materials were presented with the production process of various medications. Interactive methods of teaching are used at lectures.

R.M.  Abdullabekova provided advisory assistance to determine the direction of the research activities of the department and planning PhD theses employees of the department.

The work of Professor Raisa Musulmanbekovna  Abdullabekova is highly appreciated by the Jalal-Abad State University administration.

Zh.M. Orozbaeva, Ph.D., associate professor,

Head of the Department of  Pharmacy,

Zhalal-Abad State University



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