Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Seminars on problems of religious literacy increasing for students of KSMU

Seminars on problems of religious literacy increasing for students of KSMU

25 May 2018

350 nonresident students of the KSMU who lived in dormitories took part in a series of seminars from May, 15 to May, 24. The classes were organized with the involvement of M. M. Asker and K. Zh. Gimadiyeva – the specialists from the Youth Resource Center of the of Karaganda, as well as representatives of local Student Government Committees.

The events were organized in the form of an «interactive platform», which allowed to work in live communication with the audience.

The main aspects of state policy in the sphere of religion were explained to the participants in the course of the classes. The students were introduced to the basic concepts contained in normative legal acts regulating religious activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In direct contact the audience discussed resonant topics, played psychological games in groups. Also, the audience was shown a video prepared for the Office of Religious Affairs of Karaganda region with an appeal to support the public action «No to terrorism, no to extremism».

In general, the events were held in a businesslike, working atmosphere. Students actively participated in polemics, asked interesting questions, which indicates their interest in obtaining relevant knowledge on this topic.



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