Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Scientific expirience

Scientific expirience

17 May 2018

Medical students and residents’ Association of Moldova (IFMSA-Moldova) with State University of Medicine and Pharmacology named after Nikolay Testemitsanu organized the International scientific conference - "MedEspera-2018" in Chisinau from May 3 to 5. Over 700 students and young doctors from Moldova, Sweden, Germany, Georgia, Romania, Italy and other 17 countries including Kazakhstan participated on the presentations of scientific reports and posters.

  Participants of this event could not only present their scientific reports, also take active involvement at lectures of foreign teachers, doctors and professors about different subjects from Great Britain, Germany and Moldova. Also students could participate in the different learning trainings organized in the University Center of Simulation Training in Medicine which is one of the most impeccable centers of simulation training in Eastern Europe in the range of offers in the field of medical education and complexity of the educational and scientific equipment.

  We had an opportunity to get acquainted and meet the rector of this university personally where Ion Ababi with pleasure discussed with foreign students about medical education, health care and the student's organizations of our countries.

I would like to thank the administration and rector of KSMU, professor Raushan Sultanovna Dosmagambetova for giving the chance to participate and represent our university on the international conference.

Kymbat Kabdullina

Internship student of 6-022 groupof Pediatrics direction



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