Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


15 May 2018

Student of third course GM Zhumanbaev Sanzhar ,who took part in the International Scientific and practical conference of young  scientists and students of  the KSMU named after Abuali ibn Sino (city of Dushanbe) “Medical science and new opportunities” took first place and received a diploma of 1st degree among postgraduate students , undergraduates from Russia , Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and etc. The  report of Sanzhr aroused great interest, there were many questions and positive feedback.

Participants of the conference-senior students of KSMU, noting the wide erudition and fluency in the material at the report and the innovative technology of Sanzhar-asked him to conduct a master class on working with scientific literature , which he held in the university library.

We congratulate Sanzhar and we wish  him further success in his multifaceted, purposeful academic activity.

The scientific supervisor of the work is associate professor of the Department of Morphology Zhumabaeva Saniya Kalikovna.



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