Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Results of the championship on creation of the projects «Project Day»

Results of the championship on creation of the projects «Project Day»

11 May 2018

On May 3, 2018 in the Karaganda State Medical University there was held the championship on creation of the projects «Project Day» within the Ecosystem of Student's Business project in which the active young people interested in development of enterprise and business skills have taken part.

We will remind that the «Ecosystem of Student's Business» project is implemented by the Center of development of business and innovations of Almaty Management University together with the Association of Friends of Tel Aviv University in Kazakhstan, with assistance of the Eurasian Resources Group (ERG) company. The project is directed to the transformation of regional higher education institutions in enterprise and also on creation of an enterprise ecosystem in regions. The Karaganda State Medical University is a partner of this project also, as well as the Karaganda State University named after E.A. Buketov, the Innovative Euroasian University, the Pavlodar State Pedagogical University, the Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatov, Rudnensky Industrial Institute, the Aktobe Regional State University named after K. Zhubanov and the Aktobe Polytechnical College.

Project Day is the championship on creation of business projects or projects in the field of social business where students of higher education institutions - participants of the «Ecosystem of Student's Business» project for 4 hours worked on creation and development of the projects and then presented the projects before jury.

The championship on creation of projects has begun with the fact that the coordinator on introduction and developmen»t of enterprise education in KSMU Saule Rakhimzhanovna Zhakenova briefly introduced the course of the held event and judges to the participants.

The jury consisted of: leading expert of ERG Gulmira Matkhalikova, president of the Kazakhstan Association of Businessmen and Services Ermek Toleuovich Abildin, Vice Rector for Educational and Methodical Work of KSMU Victor Petrovich Riklefs, manager of AlmaU projects Daniyar Beksultan and coordinator on the introduction and development of enterprise education in KSMU Saule Rakhimzhanovna Zhakenova.

Upon completion of acquaintance with judges the following were carried out: orientation according to the program of the Championship, analysis of criteria of the competition, representation of mentors of teams and their headquarters.

Daniyar Beksultan pointed out that the projects which are at the stage of development or realized, are not accepted to participation in the competition and also hat projects will be estimated by the following criteria:

- Call. The description of a problem which is confirmed with figures and the facts.

- Action plan. Methods of the solution of the revealed problem and the action plan.

- Influence / Result. The expected results of the project and influence on society.

Gulmira Matkhalikova wished to participants: «Good luck all! May the strongest win!».

Then teams dispersed on the headquarters and started 4-hour work result of which was a presentation of 11 ready projects, each of which was worthy victories, but only one could  win.

The Eagles team became the winner of the Championship according to the solution of business cases: Asem Tolegen, Azamat Zhanalin, Almaz Duysekhan, Modir Ermek and Nauryzkhan Adilhan (students of 1st year of the Faculty of General Medicine and Dentistry) presenting the Additional source of Energy project (the project about additional power sources).

Also the jury marked out two participants of other teams: Nikita Savin (the 3rd year of the Faculty of the General Medicine and Dentistry) and Ayzhan Malikova (the 2nd year of Faculty of the General Medicine and Dentistry) which helped winner team.

These children have won the first prize of the project – the permit to the BootCamp Kazakhstan camp - the Kazakhstan's first BootCamp for the beginning businessmen in which children are expected by 56 hours of superhard work in the mode "sit down and do" on creation of own business.

The manager of AlmaU projects addressed students: «BootCamp can have two outcomes: you will give up and don't receive result or you will create the business or will improve yourselves!».

The Vice-Rector for Educational and Methodical Work of KSMU Victor Petrovich Riklefs in completion of the event noted that due to this project we will be able to change a lot of things.

We congratulate winners and wish them successful implementation of the project and excellent study at our university!



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