Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
International Conference of Young Scientists in Stavropol, Russia

International Conference of Young Scientists in Stavropol, Russia

10 May 2018

The International conference of students and young scientists in English dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Stavropol State Medical University "Topical questions of medicine” was held on 26.04.18 in Stavropol, Russia. The conference was attended by more than 120 works by young scientists from various countries, such as India, Thailand, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the African Continent, Russia and Kazakhstan.

The master of the 2-nd year of KSMU Dana Amanova and doctoral student of 2nd  year Zhandos Koyshibaev presented at the conference the report of their original research in English "Dynamic of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) during experimental intestinal obstruction", which was highly appreciated by the jury of the Conference.

This work won  the 2nd degree Diploma in the section "Topical issues of surgery, obstetrics and gynecology". The jury and the presidium of the Conference noted the high professionalism, originality and relevance of the presented research, as well as good knowledge of a foreign language in the scientific aspect. KSMU in turn for the achievements of its students, is marked with a special Conference Cup.

Administration of the Stavropol State Medical University in a letter to the rector of the KSMU R.S. Domagambetova expressed their special gratitude for the high level of training of students at KSMU and participation in this event.



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