Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
The victory Day

The victory Day

04 May 2018

 The victory Day over the Fascist Germany in the Great Patriotic War was and remains one of the most important  holidays in our country. The traditions of the holiday are carefully preserved in Kazakhstan: the Victory Parades, the favorite military songs of the victorious people, the distribution of symbolic ribbons, the colors of the peaceful sky, which veterans and youth wear as a symbol of the connection between generations and the memory of the Great Victory. Tradition of recent years is a civil-patriotic action "Immortal regiment", which became an international public movement to save personal memory of the generation of the Great Patriotic War.

On the eve of the Great Victory Day, the concerts of creative groups of our university have become a good tradition. The program is always filled with love, sincere, genuine feeling of gratitude to the veterans and all contemporaries of this Victory.

The concert is a gift to the veterans and to us whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers gave their lives for our bright present and future. It is a great happiness and great honor for us to be able to return eternally indebted to those whom we now live.

Let us remember with gratitude and sorrow for our relatives and strangers who gave their lives for their country and freedom. They sincerely hoped that such a grief would never touch us, they wanted the war to remain forever only a memory, a legend, a hard lesson of fate and never happened again. 

  The Youth Affairs Department.



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