Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Section on social and humanitarian disciplines at the International conference of young scientists and students of KSMU

Section on social and humanitarian disciplines at the International conference of young scientists and students of KSMU

04 May 2018

The section on social and humanitarian disciplines at the International conference of young scientists and students held in KSMU in April 28th, 2018 was separated into independent part and included 11 reports on psychology, bioethics, sociology, philosophy, multilanguage issues, researches on higher education and health care. Majority of presentations were own research projects of junior and senior students as well as interns concerned various topics from medicine, pharmacology and health care to actual issues of medical education and sociolinguistics. It is necessary to note that the section was highly underdisciplined where reports were spoken in Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

The fifth-year students T.N. Iskendirov and A. Iskazin told to sections’ participants about new academic course on mediation introduced to KSMU’s curriculum current academic year as a university component and it is the exclusive course among medical universities in Kazakhstan to the present day. The intern M.P. Khegai presented her research on portfolio method for medical students as one of the most effective ways of perspective medical professionals’ assessment by potential employers. The first-years students A.I. Arkhipova, A.B. Saginbek and Y.V. Yungenshtein. also demonstrated their own research projects on awareness of KSMU’s students about IVF (in vitro fertilization) and intergenerational relations in modern society. Students A. Zhanybekqyzy and Z.Y. Kenesbek told dynamically about new state program “Densaulyk 2016-2019”. The second-years student D.V. Ushakov discussed issues of multilanguage in Kazakhstan from point of lingual philosophy.

Students of International medical faculty of KSMU took part in the section: the forth-year student Mujaheed Mohammad presented his comparative analysis of multilingualism in India and Kazakhstan in Russian. The first-year student Diksha Saini considered issues of personal socialization on examples of basic agents of socialization such as family, peer-groups and educational institutions. Students from other medical universities of Kazakhstan also presented their papers on the section: the third-year student of Semei Medical University A. Sagidullayeva demonstrated her large research on adaptation of junior students to educational process in medical university. The second-year student of Bolashak Academy L.K. Goigova discussed issues of bioethical norms in relationships of doctor and pharmacist.

Every report called great interest from section’s participants, all students got many questions as well as research results were highly discussed. Lecturers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan and Social-Political Disciplines B.S. Bitenova and N.A. Mingisheva with representative of Student Republic “Samruk” D.V. Ushakov not only moderated this section but also took their active part in consideration and commenting of student projects giving that section some special dynamics. It should be mentioned that diversity of themes and research approaches in student’s reports, multilingualism and acquaintance of students’ works from other universities significantly increase interests to social and humanitarian sciences from students and young scholars of medical universities, it also focuses on social aspects of medicine and health care, and humanizes medical knowledge.



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