Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Participation of KSMU in training “Comprehensive internationalisation: tools and methodologies” in the frame of Erasmus+ WELCOME project

Participation of KSMU in training “Comprehensive internationalisation: tools and methodologies” in the frame of Erasmus+ WELCOME project

28 April 2018

From 16 to 20 April KSMU has participated in an International training “Comprehensive internationalisation: tools and methodologies” 2018 in the frame of Erasmus+ WELCOME «Towards incoming international university communities”. The training was organised on the base of Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden.

This training was organised for representatives of university-partners from Kazakhstan and China:

-  Karaganda State Medical University (Karaganda, Kazakhstan)

-  L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University  (Astana, Kazakhstan)

-  Narxoz University (Almaty, Kazakhstan)

-  Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade (Astana, Kazakhstan)

-  Beihang University (Beijing, China)

-  Tongji University (Shanghai, China)

Also, a project meeting was conducted with Consortium of Erasmus+ WELCOME «Towards incoming international university communities” in the frame of this training.

The participants were taught in the structural organisation of work of Academic Resource Centre, Office “KTH Entre” – analog of «WELCOME centre» for international students, teachers, and researchers and Student Service Office, as well as KTH Relocation Center the center enabling smooth integration of mobile students and teachers.

In addition, participants informed with the Centre for adaptation of new employees, including PhD students.

During the training following topics were covered:

- Participation in EU-funded programmes;

- Centre for adaptation of new employees at the Centre of Adaptation of new employees at the Royal Institute of Technology-KTH: integration of new students and staff arriving in the frame of academic mobility; 

- Quality assurance of projects.

-European Institute of Digital Technology (EIT Digital).

- Multicultural communication.

- Implementation of joint international programmes on PhD level.

-Implementation of academic mobility in the frame of International Credit Mobility.

-Internationalisation in Sweden.

-Internationalisation of Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn (Estonia).

Moreover, all participants actively worked in practical group sessions.  For example, representatives of KSMU have presented joint programmes at the Karaganda State Medical University. The expert in Joint Educational Programmes from Royal Institute of Technology  Karin Knutsson presented a guideline in the implementation of Joint programmes on Master and PhD level. By the end of the training, all participants were given certificates.

To remind, the implementation of WELCOME project at KSMU started in October 2016 The main aim of the project is to strengthen the international dimension and Internationalisation in Higher Educational Institutions of Kazakhstan and China. More detailed information is available on the official website of the project http://www.welcomeproject.net, and http://erasmus.qmu.edu.kz/?page_id=545



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