Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Scientific internship of master students of KSMU at the International Medical University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

Scientific internship of master students of KSMU at the International Medical University (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

23 April 2018

From March 27 to April 3, 2018, master students of the first year of the specialty 6М110100"Medicine" passed a "Short Course on Management of Scientific Research" at the International Medical University, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The training program addressed the issues of the concept of management of scientific research, questions of biomedical research (excursion in the laboratory), the writing of a scientific project - best practice, research supervision and management, ethical problems in the study, the use of a systematic review and meta-analysis in scientific research, best clinical practice, group work on the research proposal, active teaching methods (RBL).

The master students were acquainted with the structure and organization of the laboratory and the safety rules by levels. Laboratory Manager Ms. Norbazlin Bt Md Marham acquainted us with the newest devices of liquid chromatography, electrophoresis, immunological and microbiological research.

 During the practical classes on the topic of ethical aspects in research and publications, problems and articles were discussed, questions of types and types of plagiarism the responsibility of each participant in the research and publications, the responsibility of the education organization, interaction between research participants were raised.

 At the end of the course the master students presented 7 scientific research projects for protection, questions were asked by IMU professors, exhaustive answers were received. All received good emotions and replenished their knowledge.

After the protection of the project, the undergraduates of the KSMU were awarded personal certificates on the course of the "Management of Scientific Research".

We are grateful for the organization and the opportunity to acquire new experience, knowledge and creative opportunities, KSMU in the person of the rector, professor R.S.Dosmagambetova.



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