Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"Topical issues of mediation"

"Topical issues of mediation"

20 April 2018

The program of the visit by the professor of Sofia University named after St. Klimentia Ohridski (Bulgaria), an international mediator, professor Tatyana Aleksandrovna Dronzina who arrived at the invitation of the KSMU in the framework of academic mobility was completed.

Her arrival was a landmark event for Karaganda: the professor is known to a large number of representatives of mental professions, lawyers, professional and unprofessional mediators, who had an opportunity to communicate with an interesting person and get knowledge on issues that are topical for modern society - conflictology and mediation.

In the program of Tatyana Alexandrovna's visit there were lectures on conflictology and mediation for undergraduates and 5th year students of KSMU who are studying the basics of these sciences, conducting a master class for ATS of KSMU and mediators of the Karaganda region from the “Dialogue” Conflict Resolution Center.

The training could not be called just classes - it was interesting meetings with masterful presentation of academic information, group discussions, modeling of mediation practices from the field of family conflicts, conflicts in health care.

Professor T.A. Dronzina also acted as an expert, having visited the Departments of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills, Propaedeutics of Childhood Diseases, where for the first time in this academic year the discipline "Mediation" for the 5th year students of the specialty "General Medicine" was started. The departments presented to the court of T.A. Dronzina their methodological experience, the experience of teaching discipline, having received constructive feedback and the desire to move forward in the field of conflict management and mediation.

On April 13 at the end of Professor Dronzina's visit, the Department of Medical Psychology and Communication Skills presented a forum-theater on the topic "Conflict" Patient-Health Institution ". The guest positively assessed this method of active learning.

The professor awarded certificates of successful completion of the course "Topical issues of mediation" to the faculty of KSMU and invited the participants of the master class to the Summer School of Mediation, held annually in Burgas (Bulgaria).

We thank the wonderful scientist and teacher for her studies, we look forward to further productive cooperation and Master's repeated visits.



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