Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P.Pavlov from 19.03. 2018 to 30.03.2018.

Academic mobility in Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P.Pavlov from 19.03. 2018 to 30.03.2018.

06 April 2018

   Within the academic mobility program in the period from 19.03.2018 to 30.03.2018 I visited Department of Pathophysiology and Endocrinology course in the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Medical University named after I.P.Pavlov ".

Department of Pathophysiology of the RyazSMU is located for more than 100 years in the physiological building. It was built in the beginning of the 19th century by the merchant I.P. Lebedev as a clinic, and today  it belongs to the national cultural heritage of Russia. Head of the Department of Pathological Physiology is the Honored Science worker of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Science, Professor Y.Y. Byalovsky.

The course of endocrinology of the Department of Therapeutic Disciplines is located on the basis of the Endocrinology Department of the Regional Clinical Hospital where for a month residents of the 2 year of study from KSMU specializing in Endocrinology were trained within  the academic mobility program. The course of endocrinology is headed by Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences Professor Inessa Ivanovna Dubinina.

For this period of time I passed the qualification improvementcourse in the amount of 72 hours for the additional professional program "Selected issues of pathophysiology and clinical pathophysiology in the training of medical specialists"; lectures and practical lessons were conducted in accordance with the approved calendar-thematic plan in the amount of 15 hours. The material of the lectures reflected the questions of the standard program on the subjects of the private course of "Pathophysiology" discipline and contained elements of problem lecture, attracted interest of students. All kinds of activities were interesting and stimulated cognitive activity of students with use of elements of active methods of training, such as CBL, TBL. These teaching methods were discussed with teaching staff of  the department.

In addition to learning and teaching programs, i visited cultural monuments of Ryazan city such as Ryazan Kremlin, Cathedral of the Assumption; Museum named after I.P. Pavlov; also i was in the homeland of the famous Russian poet

S. Yesenin in the village Konstantinovo and in the Art Museum; exhibition halls "Gifts of Terpsichore".

    I think that the program of academic mobility, which I passed in the RyazSMU was very fruitful. The obtained knowledge and experience will be introduced into the teaching, methodological, scientific and clinical work of the department. I want to express my gratitude to the leadership of our University and Ryazan University for the opportunity to study and create conditions for creative cooperation between the departments.

Head of the Pathological

Physiology Department , professor

of Therapeutic Disciplines Department

S.B. Zhautikova 



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