Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
New horizons

New horizons

04 April 2018

On March 26, a meeting of the "INSIGHT" debate club on the topic: "New opportunities of the state language" was held at the KSMU.

The Kazakh alphabet dates back to the 6th-7th centuries, when the ancient Türkic runic script known in history as the Orkhono-Yenisei script appeared on the mainland Eurasia.. This is one of the oldest alphabets in the history of mankind. In the V-XV centuries, the Turkic language was the language of interethnic communication on most of the continent, Arabic script was used on the territory of modern Kazakhstan  for 900 years. The decree on the introduction of the "Unified Turkic alphabet" on the basis of the Latin alphabet was adopted in 1929. The law "On the transfer of the Kazakh language from the Latin alphabet into the alphabet on the basis of Russian graphics" was adopted in 1940.

The transition to the Latin alphabet has its own logic. According to the Head of  the country, it has to do with peculiarities of the introduction of modern technologies and communications, scientific and educational processes in the 21st century.

Our students also found many advantages in the transition to the Latin alphabet, because it will open new horizons for development, taking into account the need for knowledge of foreign languages, especially in medicine, when new scientific literature is presented in foreign languages. Gaining new knowledge without waiting for books with translation is very important in medicine. The students could not agree on the convenience of the Latin alphabet and advanced their variants of writing some letters of the Kazakh alphabet.Participants presented very interesting ideas for discussion to their colleagues. "We hope that during the transition the alphabet will be further developed," the students say, fully supporting the idea.

According to the old tradition, the participants shook hands after the debate and took new ideas from this debating tournament.

  Igor Fisenko

  Head of the "INSIGHT" debate club.

The Youth Affairs Department



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