Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Nauryz celebrations in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries

Nauryz celebrations in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries

02 April 2018

Nauryz is one of the brightest and very ancient holidays. According to the ancient chronology, this day usually coincided with March 22 – day of vernal equinox.

On March 16, an open lesson on the topic "Celebrating Nauryz in Kazakhstan and neighboring countries was held at the Department of Public Health and Nursing among 1st year students of the specialty "Nursing". The purpose of this lesson was to increase students' cognitive interest in the peculiarities of the celebration of Nauryz, traditions, customs and national dishes of Kazakh and other nationalities in other countries; promote the development of communicative skills and skills of students, to be able to express their views.

The holiday of Nauryz has been celebrated for more than five thousand years as a holiday of spring and renewal of nature by many peoples of Central Asia, and according to some sources, also among the Eastern Slavs.

In 1926 Nauryz in our republic was banned by the Soviet authorities as a religious Muslim holiday. In fact, this is not true. After all, Islam in the territory of Central Asia and Kazakhstan spread only in the 7th century, and our ancestors celebrated New Year long before that (over 2000 years ago).

After the ban, Nauryz returned to Kazakhstan only in 1988 and the holiday received an official recognition. Since that time a wide celebration of Nauryz began throughout the republic.

Since 2001, Nauryz has been declared a public holiday.

Nauryz dates back to the time of the Achaemenid empire (VI-IV centuries BC), where it was celebrated as the main religious event of Zoroastrianism, and the first written mention of the feast belongs to the sacred "Avesta". Several millennia have passed since then, and much has changed in the lives of the peoples of Central Asia: wars, revolutions, world crises and defaults have left an indelible mark on history, but the Vernal Equinox Festival is still celebrated to this day.

The celebration of Nauryz (Nevruz, Nooruz) in different countries has its own characteristics, but the essence of the holiday is one: the meeting of the long-awaited spring, symbolizing the arrival of a new life, health and prosperity. Before the celebration, the house must be cleaned, old things discarded, and it is believed to wish wellness, to ask forgiveness and help the needy, and cover the rich table: all the nationalities believe that the richer the table, the more abundant and fertile the coming year will be.

Students of the first year of the specialty "Nursing"



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