Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Protect yourself from tuberculosis

Protect yourself from tuberculosis

12 March 2018

  From  February 24 to March 24 , the month for tuberculosis prevention  dedicated to the World Tuberculosis Day is held in Karaganda region. The national program "Protect yourself from tuberculosis" was adopted in Kazakhstan in order to combat this dangerous disease.

  Students and teachers of KSMU have contributed to the fight against the spread of the disease. Department of Phthisiology (Head of the department  Professor N.S.Tabriz) together with the Youth Affairs Department  held a theatrical performance on the square in front of the Central Department Store  visually  telling about the need for correct and timely  treatment of a dangerous disease.

  According to the scenario, the ill girl-student was not treated timely,  as a result the body weakened by the disease became an easy prey for pathogenic bacillus-destroyers and only thanks to the timely assistance of correctly selected medications all ended well.

  The visitors of Central Department Store and passers-by watched the colorful presentation with great interest. Everyone was actively worried about medical wearing white t-shirts, wishing them success in confronting insidious viruses. Numerous spectators amicably rewarded the efforts of rescuers with stormy applause when the patient's health was out of danger.

  As everyone admitted, it was very fun and interesting!


 Specialist of the Youth Affairs Department.





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