Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Medical rehabilitation by the method of G.S. Krasnoselsky.

Medical rehabilitation by the method of G.S. Krasnoselsky.

31 January 2018

   The staff of the Department of Medical Psychology and Communicative Skills Larisa Leonardovna Matsiyevskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna Knaus and Anastasia Anatolyevna Sitdikova provided training of patients of therapeutic office of the Regional center of a medical care for the veterans of war. Developing the rehabilitation component of a medical care to patients of this clinic, the department introduces Ancient Chinese hygienic gymnastics for elderly people by a technique of professor G.S. Krasnoselsky. With the permission of the acting head of the department Nadezhda Borisovna Zholdaspayeva small groups of elderly patients (6-7 people) was demonstrated the gymnastics technique, consisting of 25 exercises. As a matter of convenience and opportunities to use gymnastics in home conditions all patients were given the printed-out brochures with the description of a technique of exercises.

  Teachers of the department show practice of patients training to the students of senior courses of the Karaganda State Medical Universities for the students of this academic year on new discipline "Patient-centered care and compliance". Actively part in the organization of an action was taken by the student of the V course of the specialty "General Medicine" Bobamurat Tadzhikulov.

  Patients recognize that exercises of the Chinese gymnastics for elderly people are simple, but effective, and they plan to be engaged by a technique of G.S. Krasnoselsky in home conditions after discharge



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