Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution

New development opportunities in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution

22 January 2018

 On January 19, a meeting of employees and students was held in Karaganda State Medical University in order  to discuss the main provisions of the annual message of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan

 While opening the meeting, advisor of the Rector V.B. Molotov-Luchansky pointed out that the current Message is a unique program document in which 10 main priorities of modernization of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution were clearly and concisely defined and informed the audience about the creation of a regional mobile information group on explaining the President's message to the people of Kazakhstan, where employees and representatives of the academic teaching staff of KSMU were included.

Vice- Rector for Strategic Development, Science and International Cooperation A.A.Turmukhambetova told about the introduction into medicine of genetic analysis, the development of medical science, the university's achievements in the implementation of joint projects with foreign universities and acquainted the audience with the plans for the transition of the university to a non-profit joint-stock company.

Senior specialist of the Youth Affairs Department А.N. Urmashov spoke about the preparation of young people for a new technological mode.

Dean of the International Medical Faculty K.K. Toleubekov called on the participants to revise their views and avoid the dependency sentiments.

The main directions of the university's work in light of the objectives set in the new message, plans for achieving the status of the research university and about improvements in education and student life in general were mentioned during the meeting.

  The Youth Affairs Department.



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