Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility program in Lithuania

Academic mobility program in Lithuania

09 January 2018

  Karaganda State Medical University and Vilnius  State University (VSU) signed a memorandum of cooperation. As a result of this cooperation, head of the Microbiology Department professor Saule Akhmetova and associate professor of the Microbiology Department Galiya Abdulina were invited in the frame work  of the academic mobility program for professors  http://www.mf.vu.lt/en/content/general/teachers-karaganda-shared-their-knowledge-microbiology

VSU is the oldest and largest higher educational institution of Lithuania in Vilnius, a major scientific center. The university is a regional pioneer and it consistently implements reforms of the learning processes, for example, it introduced the European system of transfer and accumulation of credits (ECTS) and three-level system of education at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. The language of study at the university for international  students is English.

During the period of academic mobility, we conducted lectures and laboratory classes for 2nd year students (General Medicine, Dentistry, PharmacyFaculties) The program on academic mobility was proposed by the professor-virologist, the head of the Microbiological department Tomas Kacergius.

The schedule for microbiology topics of lectures, seminars and laboratory works is as follows:

 “Antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents” (lecture for pharmacy students).

 “Rhabdoviruses. Picornaviruses: poliomyelitis, Coxsackie, ECHO viruses and rhinoviruses” (lecture for medicine students).

 “Laboratory diagnosis of spirochetoses and rikettsioses” (seminar and laboratory work for medicine students) [3 and 4 groups].

 “Laboratory diagnosis of spirochetoses and rikettsioses” (seminar and laboratory work for medicine students) [1 and 2 groups].

 “Morphology, structure and classification of viruses. Replication of viruses. Cultivation of viruses. Characteristics of the viral infection” (lecture for dentistry students).

 “Immunological assays. Allergy” (seminar and laboratory work for dentistry students).

 “Mechanisms of bacterial resistance to antimicrobial agents” (lecture for pharmacy students).

“Togaviruses. Bunyaviruses. Arenaviruses. Filoviruses” (lecture for medicine students).

 “Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections. Pathogenic protozoa” (seminar and laboratory work for medicine students) [3 and 4 groups].

 “Laboratory diagnosis of fungal infections. Pathogenic protozoa” (seminar and laboratory work for medicine students) [1 and 2 groups]

Following the results of academic mobility in 2017, we also expect cross-exchange of students and teachers.

Professor Tomas Kacergiusis going to come to our university in May 2018 to discuss scientific research. Academic mobility is an exchange of opinions, experiences, knowledge, outlook and, of course, motivation. It offers potential for development and growth. In this respect, we believe that cooperation with colleagues from Georgia will be mutually beneficial.


Head of the Department of Microbiology, Associate Professor Saule B. Akhmetova,

  Associate Professor Galiya A. Abdulina         



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