Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Annual meeting of the rector with student activists

Annual meeting of the rector with student activists

29 December 2017

  On December 27, annual rector’s meeting with student activists was held at the Karaganda State Medical University.

  This year the meeting was held in the format of a solemn ceremony of rewarding activists who excelled in public work, culture and sport.

  Solemn meeting was opened by the rector of KSMU, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Raushan Sultanovna Dosmagambetova and adviser of the rector, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor Vilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchanskiy. "The main challenge in the outgoing year was an increase in the GPA transition point, and it is gratifying that our students showed their position, understood and supported this decision, thereby once again strengthening the authority of the best medical. I wish you new victories and achievements. Carry the title of student of KSMU with pride"- noted Raushan Sultanovna.

  Also, words of gratitude to the students who achieved success in the outgoing year of 2017 were made by the vice-rector for strategic development, science and international cooperation Anar Akylbekovna Turmukhambetova, deputy dean of the General Medicine and Dentistry Department Maral Kuandykovna Elubaeva and deputy dean of the International Medical Faculty Dulat Mukazhanovich Doskozhin.

  Letters of gratitude of the Rector of the KSMU for active participation in public life and the contribution to strengthening the authority of the Karaganda State Medical University were awarded to 61 students from the number of activists of the Student Republic "Samruk", Student support service, CSSM hostels, youth health center "Zhuldyz", club of initiative students, discussion clubs "Namys" and "Insight",  tutors club, "MED talks", Folk ensemble of oriental dances " , vocal circle, dance theater "Golden Step", circle "Conferancier", theatrical circle, student orchestra of the dombrists, author-poetic club "Zhyr Zhauhar", the student choir of the KSMU, the "Yes Team" circle and the qmu sports club..

Youth Affairs Department



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