Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
My Kazakhstan!

My Kazakhstan!

29 December 2017

On December 22, the final stage of the patriotic song contest «Менің Қазақстаным!» took place in KSMU.

The objectives of the competition are the formation of a patriotic attitude toward the Motherland among the student youth, the education of young people in the spirit of citizenship and patriotism, the identification and support of talented performers, the improvement of their performing skills in the genre of vocal art. The contest was held within the framework of the implementation of the program "Tugan zher".

The members of the jury were representatives of the Military department of the KSMU, specialists of the Youth Resource Center of the Karaganda region, soloists of the vocal circle of the KSMU.

7 vocalists of the last qualifying stage took part in the final stage of the contest.According to the rules of the contest, the vocal compositions should reflect the theme of love for the Motherland, native land. The language of performance is Kazakh and Russian.

Songs that have become the classics of Kazakhstan and compositions of modern authors sounded this day.Contestants confessed that singing about the Motherland, about their country is always very exciting and reverent. "Kazakhstan is the warmest and most special word for me. I love my country. Love for the homeland can be different for all. But my love for my native land was transferred to the author's song ", - said the participant of the contest Kudryavtseva Julia.

The jury members noted the high level of preparation of the contestants, the correspondence of the selected compositions to the theme of the competition and the harmoniously chosen scenic images.

As a result of the competition, I place was awarded to the 1st year student Tleubek Meruert who sang Rosa Rymbaeva's song «Цвети, мояземля». II place was taken by Igilik Erkonys and III place - Zholdybek Gulnaz.

The winners of the contest were awarded diplomas and memorable gifts.

  Department of Youth Affairs.



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