Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Kazakhstan is our pride

Kazakhstan is our pride

26 December 2017

  On December 13, 2017 an event in the format of an interactive game, dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held for students of the "Nursing" specialty.

  The purpose of this event was the formation of citizenship and patriotism basis in students, the education of a sense of pride for their homeland, respect for state symbols and national traditions.

  Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On State Independence of the RK " was adopted on December 16,  1991. On this day a young country was proclaimed on the ancient Kazakh land,  which this year celebrates  its 26th anniversary. For  a short period of time, Kazakhstan has managed to conduct large-scale reforms in all spheres of the country: politics, economy, culture - and to take a rightful place in the world community.

Symbols of political independence of our republic are the emblem, flag, anthem. It is very important not only to know how they look, but also to understand their symbols, to have an idea of ​​how the state symbols have arisen. The students introduced the guests to every state symbol, the history of its creation and its significance. After consolidated knowledge by holding a quiz.

At the end of the festive event, the tutor of the students of the "Nursing"  specialty, Inesh Berikovna Meermanova wished the students a successful winter session and congratulated  guests, participants of the game on the upcoming holiday.

Students of the "Nursing"specialty

Zhansaya Sauymbekova (4-001) and Nargiz Kaiyrzhanova (3-001)



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