Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Academic mobility in the Ryazan State Medical University, named after academician I.P. Pavlov

Academic mobility in the Ryazan State Medical University, named after academician I.P. Pavlov

14 December 2017

Within the framework of academic mobility between the KSMU and the RSMU, named after academician I.P. Pavlov, theHead of Physiology Department, professor F.A. Mindubayeva was invited to the Department of Normal Physiology with a course of psychophysiology from 20.11 to 02 12. 2017.

Ryazan State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlovis one of the largest universities of its profile in the Russian Federation, it was founded in 1943 as the Moscow Medical Institute, Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, and it was based in Moscow until 1950. In honor of the 100th anniversary of the academician I.P. Pavlov (1949) it was transferred to Ryazan (1950). The Department of Normal Physiology occupies a separate building and has a rich scientific past. Its founders were the great scientists: academicians V.V. Parin and P.K. Anokhin. Since 1999 the Department is headed by "Honored Worker of the Russia Higher School", d.m.s., professor M.M. Lapkin. The main direction of the department scientific research  is devoted to the detailed development of the fundamental concept of the theory of functional systems - an "useful adaptive result", the study of the role of the differential-psychophysiological properties of the personality in the systemic organization of purposeful human behavior, the development of methodological aspects of the concept of "individual health" and the search for effective methods for its diagnosis.

Since 1979, Pavlov scientific readings are held on the basis of RyazSMU. F.A. Mindubayeva visited the family estate of Pavlov and his Memorial estate, where the future Nobel Prize winner was born, spent his childhood and teenage years. F.A. Mindubayeva was acquainted with the basic structural units of RyazSMU: organization of the vivarium, Central Research Laboratory, Center of Practical Skills, libraries,  Departments of Pathological Physiology and Normal Anatomy.

F.A. Mindubayeva got acquainted with the organization of all types of work at the department: educational, teaching, methodic, scientific-research, research work organized in scientific laboratories equipped with modern equipment for studying the systemic organization of physiological functions of the organism, with follow-up discussion of the following issues: necessity of integration not only with basic, but also with clinical departments, in particular, as it is practiced at the Department of Normal Physiology with the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, Internal Diseases with a course of outpatient therapy.

During her stay at RyazSMU, F.A. Mindubayeva attended lectures of the Head of Department, Professor M. Lapkin, practical classes of senior lecturers, she was familiarized with the organization and conduction of computer-based testing of students in practical classes and took part in the academic work of the department at the Medical, Pediatric, and Dental Faculties. F.A. Mindubayeva conducted practical lessons, participated in lectures on the topics of course schedule: "Inhibition of the CNS", "Private physiology of the central nervous system", "Physiology of the spinal cord", "Physiology of the medulla oblongata", "Mid-brain physiology", "The autonomic nervous system"," Physiology of the reticular formation "," Physiology of the oral analyzer", also she took part in oral examinations of students of the Faculty of Medicine. There were discussed the conduction of the final control, delivery of practical skills in the discipline of normal physiology, questions concerning teaching of foreign students (in English and French languages), the usage of textbooks, manuals, methodological support of educational process of students of the Dental Faculty with a focus on teaching physiology of the maxillofacial area, list of practical works, etc.

At the final faculty meeting it is noted, that such academic mobility exchange program is beneficial for both sides and the desire to continue the development of the cooperation between Departments of Physiology of KSMU and RyazSMU named after academician I.P. Pavlov was expressed in order to improve the quality of training of teachers and students.

Head of the Physiology Department, Professor  F.A. Mindubayeva



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