Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
"Test yourself for diabetes" action

"Test yourself for diabetes" action

17 November 2017

World Diabetes Dayis celebrated annually on November 14 –this day in 1891, canadian physician and physiologist Frederick Banting, was born who along with doctor Charles best, played a decisive role in the discovery of insulin in 1922, a medication that saves the lives of people with diabetes!

On the initiative of chief endocrinologist of HMKR Z. M. Tutkushbaeva Regional Clinical hospital in honour of the World Diabetes Day was held"Test yourself for diabetes" action for the population withresidents endocrinologists of first year students of KSMU Zh. Sh. Altynkhan, K. K. Bimagambetov, D. K. Elemesova, E. N. Yernazarova, M. K. Kabakasheva, A. K., Muslimova, A. S. Tolymbekova, L. E. Khomenkoin the SEC "City mall" on November 14. The purpose of such actions – to educate the public about the causes, symptoms of diabetes , early detection of diabetes and further measures in order to prevent it. During the action 105 peoplewere examined. There wasconducted research onprepared algorithm : express analysis of glucose, measurement of blood pressure, weight and waist circumference of people. There was conducted  a questionnaire about health and nutrition, lifestyle.The action showed the activity and responsibility of population of the city of Karaganda for their health. The questionnaire caused a keen  interest , questions about the modification of lifestyle is necessary in daily practice. We held discussions  with the population about the risk factors of diabetes and its prevention. Simple measures to maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper diet , the measures of primary and secondary prevention of diabetes was explained in detail.

Diabetes mellitus like cardiovascular disease and cancer, is one of the three diseases, most often leading to disability and death. It is characterized by a steady increase of  the level of glucose in the blood, which might occur at any age and continues throughout in life. Diabetes of the 1 type  (insulin dependent) and diabetes of the 2 type  (non-insulin dependent) an distinguished. Especially catastrophic  incidence rate is associated with diabetes 2 type diabetes, which accounts for more than 92% of all cases, and which is considerably the result of excess  weight and physical inactivity. The most common cause of diseases is unhealthy  diet and a sedentary lifestyle. If from a young age carbohydrates (bakery products, various kinds of sweets) prevails in our diet,  this, in turn, can lead to obesity, and there fore to in diabetes. We hope that our action will help to reduce the growth patients with diabetes!!!

Altynkhan Zhansaya

The resident endocrinologist of the first year of study.



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