Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Medicine without corruption!

Medicine without corruption!

09 November 2017

The fight against corruption is a common thing for all of us. The problem of corruption has become a mass character today and has affected all spheres of public life. Consequently, the anti-corruption education of the society must be an integral part of the moral and civil education of youth, the formation of an anti-corruption culture, the understanding of their rights and responsibilities to the community.

On 7 November 2017 in the hall of the Academic Board of the Karaganda State Medical University there was held a meeting for students with O.A. Burkhanov the chief specialist of the Corruption Prevention of the Department of Civil Service Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Anti-Corruption for Karaganda province.

The purpose of this event was the formation of  anti-corruption views and legal education among students.

In his presentation, the employee of the Corruption Prevention Department presented a video to the students of our university on the topic "Medicine without corruption!" At the meeting, the concepts of corruption and corruption risks in the health field were defined. During the speechof O.A.Burkhanov, students with great interest not only listened, but also were able to get answers to their questions about corrupt acts, internal regulations of government services, and current anti-corruption legislation. In general, O.A.Burkhanov spoke about the problems of bribes in medicine concerning two important indicators: the general level of development of public health services in the country and the general level of corruption in the country. He also explained the measures taken by the State Party in the commission of corruption violations. He also provided details, according to which indicates in which areas of the republic there is an increase in corruption crimes in the healthcare service. The largest numbers account for bribes and  exceeding powers of authority.

At the end of the meeting, O.A. Burkhanov recalled that the Agency for Civil Service and Anti-Corruption of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the Karaganda region is ready to receive various information and even provide advice to improve collaboration in the future on combating corruption and the quality of public services. He also informed the students about the Ombudsman from among the staff of the Corruption Prevention Department and the complaint box.

The fight against corruption is a priority for the state and its citizens. We, the youth of Kazakhstan, must fight corruption for the prosperity of our country.

A.M. Akhmetovа

(Legal Counsel of the Legal Department of KSMU)



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