Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Tour to Saryarka pyramid.

Tour to Saryarka pyramid.

08 November 2017

   Sunday, 29.10 .2017 with  the work of the historical club of the Department of history of  Kazakhstan and Social and political  disciplines there was held a tour to the newly opened ancient  monument of Saryarka pyramid. This is the grave of the famous leader of the bronze era discovered in   Karaganda in 2016 by archeologist Igor Kukushkin from  the Saryarka archaeological Institute at KSU  named  after E. A. Buketov.And this summer, the monument was completely restored under the leadership of Kazakhstan archeologist Arman Beisenov and appeared in its original form as it was (according to scientists) about 3 thousand years ago.

   Despite the cool autumn weather, the teachers of the Department of history of Kazakhstan and Social and political  disciplines  A. T.Bakirova, S. A Nikiforova , head of  Department  A.K. Temirgaliev and A. B. Dolgopolov   went together with students – members of the historical club of the Department to the village of Shet district of Taldy  area.Near the monument head of Department K. A. Temirgaliev gave a short lecture to students about the culture of tribes of the bronze era on the territory of  Kazakhstan  and  S. A. Nikiforova. shared with all of us her  thoughts about the importance of tours and travel in native land in the light of  “Tugan Zher”  program voiced  by President of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev  in an article, “Rukhani zhangyru” on April 12, 2017.

   We had see around the pyramid and other monuments of the bronze era, took a pictures and filmed  a video of short interview with the students. Video materials can be used at the meetings of the historical club and photo of the monument also can be  shown to  the students of the 1st course  studying our subject in order  to awaken their interest in the rich historical and cultural heritage of our ancestors.

A.B. Dolgopolov- head of a history club

A.B.Kovtun –senior teacher of the Department of history of  Kazakhstan and Social and political  disciplines



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