Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Information day of Erasmus+ programme in Kazakhstan

Information day of Erasmus+ programme in Kazakhstan

07 November 2017

On the 2nd of November 2017 in Almaty, there was held an Information day of the Erasmus+ programme in Kazakhstan for the faculty members and staff of universities organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of the European Union in Kazakhstan with the support of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency of the European Union, National Office of Erasmus+ programme in Kazakhstan. The program was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science, the EU embassy in Kazakhstan, the Consulate General of France in Kazakhstan, students and other interested organizations.

The purpose of the Information day was to get acquainted with the main characteristics of the Erasmus + program, the results of the Third Call for proposals of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in higher education and international credit mobility of the Erasmus + program.

The speakers at the Plenary session were the Head of Cooperation Section of the European Union representation in Kazakhstan, Mr Johannes Stenbaek Madsen, the attache for university cooperation of the Consulate General of France in Kazakhstan Gilles Mametz, the National coordinator of National Erasmus + Office in Kazakhstan Shaizada Tasbulatova, as well as the representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK and higher education reform experts national team.

About 200 representatives from more than 40 universities took part in the Information day. During the information day the following questions were covered:

•  The main characteristics of the Erasmus + program. Results of the III Call for proposals of Erasmus+ Capacity Building in higher education and the Erasmus + International Credit Mobility Program.

•  Information on the activities of the National Erasmus + Office in Kazakhstan

•  Key Action 2. Capacity Building in Higher education. Innovations of the Fourth Call for proposals. National and regional priorities.

•  Key Action 1. International Credit Mobility

•  Key Action 1. Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degrees

•  The Jean Monnet program.

•  The national team of higher education reform experts

At the sections practical issues of developing project proposals and project management were presented where Karaganda State Medical University were presented by the Gulmira Zhanatovna Abakasova with the report "Project management related tasks and challenges" and Kasymova Saule Bolatovna with the report "The KSMU experience in preparing the project proposal: a few tips".

All information about the terms and conditions of the contest is available on the National Erasmus + Office official website www.erasmusplus.kz . Information day materials are also available under the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9ph_rJfzMkIZm9HdXk3N01xc2s.

There was organized an Online Broadcast of the Plenary Session for all interested people, which was carried out on the Adobe Connect platform and broadcasted at the WELCOME Center (327 room) of the main building of Karaganda State Medical University.

The National Erasmus + office of the Erasmus + program emphasizes the successful implementation of Erasmus + CBHE projects in our university and is ready to provide advice and support.



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