Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»


03 November 2017

On October 29 2017 at the Eurasian National University, named after L.N. Gumilev there was held the final of the republican festival of innovative ideas "Youth for the Homeland".  For two days young innovators from all over Kazakhstan have presented their projects in 8 fields: "IT technology", "Medicine", "Disposal", "Agriculture", "Energy", "Services", "Smart technologies", "Innovation". 

More than 100 innovation ideas were submitted by participants in the semifinal flight and only 27 of them reached the final part of the festival. Finalists were evaluated by the competent jury, composed of eminent public figures, business coaches, well-known experts, such as: Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK, a graduate of "Bolashak" program Aryn Orsariyev, head of the Department of Youth Policy of the Ministry of Religious Affairs and Civil Society of Kazakhstan Almagul Kutanova, Director General of the Association of renewable energy of Kazakhstan, a graduate of "Bolashak" program of Arman Kashkinbekov, rector of the University of "Synergy" (Russia) Bauyrzhan Kasymbergebayev, Chairman of the Association of entrepreneurship education, a graduate of "Bolashak" program Almagul Kanagatova, young scientist, scientific employee of National Laboratory Astana of the Nazarbayev University, a graduate of "Bolashak" program Damel Mektepbayeva. 

The winner of the festival and the holder of the certificate on passage of free training in the Incubator REU named after. Plekhanov in Moscow became a student of our university, intern-surgeon of the 6th year Vyacheslav Litvinov with the project: "Cast Exoskeleton. Rehabilitation technic". Also the winner was presented with an invitation letter to participate in the international forum "Synergy Global Forum Almaty 2017". 

We congratulate Vyacheslav on another victory and wish new achievements, interesting projects!

The Dean's Office of the General Medicine and Dentistry Department



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