Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism manifestations

Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism manifestations

02 November 2017

In the conditions of instability of the world community and the general religious situation in the world it is important to pay much attention on formation among student youth skills of making an independent weighed decisions by them in difficult situations when it is necessary to be able to distinguish world traditional religion from the radical religious organization.

Today, the Plan of conducting lecture hours and meetings with students of 1 courses within the Concept concerning prevention of extremism and terrorism is developed at the Karaganda State Medical University. Quarterly, by the Department of Youth Affairs along with specialists of regional Managements for religions, concerning youth policy, MPUI "Center for study and analysis of problems of the interreligious relations of the Karaganda region", MPUI "Youth resource center of the Karaganda region" of the rehabilitational center of the assistance to victims of destructive religious movements Victoria meetings with student youth is held.

Within the above-named schedule plan of information and explanatory work there was held meetings with students of Faculty of the General Medicine and Odontology and Faculty of Public Health Care, Biology and Pharmaceutics on prevention of religious extremism and terrorism on October 26 and 27 in KSMU.

The following staff made a speech at the meeting:

- Hamitov Yerzhan is the Head of the Department of Management concerning youth policy of the Karaganda region;

- Tukhenov Aslan is the Head of the Department of MPUI "Center for study and analysis of problems of the interreligious relations of the Karaganda region";

- Kuzekbay Bagyzhan – the inspector of MPUI "Center for study and analysis of problems of the interreligious relations of the Karaganda region";

- Romashkov Vladimir is a psychologist of the rehabilitational center of the assistance to victims of destructive religious movement Victoria;

- Nikiforova Svetlana is the chairman of the commission on prevention of religious extremism of Council for educational work of KSMU.

Meetings passed in a dialogue format because of which students could receive answers to the questions of their interest in the sphere of the religious relations. In total more than 250 students participated in the events.

Department of Youth Affairs.



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