Karaganda Medical University
«Medicine and Ecology» journal
Monthly newspaper «Medic»
Transition to the Latin script as a factor in the development of the Kazakh language

Transition to the Latin script as a factor in the development of the Kazakh language

20 October 2017

On October 19on the walls of Karaganda medical state university there was held a lecture organized by teachers of the Kazakh department which was led by candidate of Philological sciences, Assistant professor S.Z.Shahina on the topic «Тransition to Latin is the main factor in the development of Kazakh language».

The lecture was attended by the professor of  KSMU V.B.Molotov-Luchansky, the head of the department of youth affaires A.A.Ungarbaeva, teachers and students of thedepartment of the Kazakh, Russian languages, the history of Kazakhstan and socio-ecological disciplines.

At the beginning of the lecture Vilen Borisovich Molotov-Luchansky noted that the problem of the transition of the Kazakh Alphabet to Latin asan important issue for today. Expressing his opinion on the article “Spiritual Modernization as a Direction for the Future” of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev, published on the masse media on April 12, 2017, he noticed, that the creating of the new alphabet is a requirement of our society.

In the addition, the associate professor gave scientific explanations of the influence of society development on the language and gave precise examples according to the lecture and common and particular laws of the language development. During the lecture there was givenabrief historical information about the Kazakh alphabet and it was compared to the alphabets of all historical periods (Arabic, Latin, Cyrillic) and their features were listed. The lecturer proved the problems of transition to Latin bygiving examples of daily mistakes in writing and pronouncicdionof words. In addition, special attention was paid to the need ofchoosing a new alphabet according to the nature of the origin of language as the main way of development of the modern Kazakh language. The lecturer recalled that the transition to Latin, being an indicator of independence, sovereignty and the right way to merge with modernity, will help modernize national self-consciousness, give spiritual impetus to society, raise the level of education of the people. The idea of transition to Latin, which is a requirement of the society, found support among the listeners at the end of the lecture.



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